You’ve created some social media accounts, posted some great content, and started to build up a nice following. Well done, you’re doing a brilliant job!

What you’ll probably start to notice now is that following will begin to engage with your content, leaving comments or even sending you direct messages enquiring about your services. This is where you have to work smart, because it’s no longer just about creating and posting content, it’s now also about managing an audience too.

So, what’s the best way of doing that?

Reply quickly

The first thing to understand is the importance of replying quickly to tweets, posts and messages from customers and potential customers. It has been said that people expect a response on Twitter within 60 minutes. While Twitter is the fastest-paced social media platform, it’s a good rule of thumb to apply this timescale across the board as something to aim for. Reply within the hour. Why? Quite simply, it shows you care about your customers and your brand.


Although speed is of the essence, we strongly advise stopping to listen to what is being asked of you. Don’t just blurt out a response for the sake of speed, instead stop, read the comment, take it in, read it again, and formulate a measured reply. In this way you are more likely to provide a useful response that meets the needs of more viewers than just the original commenter.

We know what you’re thinking… this feels like it’s taking over now. How are you supposed to work to the one-hour rule when you have a busy day in practice ahead of you? That’s where HI Marketing can help. We are here to look after your social media accounts, to respond in a timely and measured manner, and help you build your brand and voice at the same time. Sound good? Get in touch on 07805 506477!

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