How to ask for patient testimonials

How to ask for patient testimonials

Whatever the product or service, these days we’re all guilty of using online reviews a part of our research before parting with our money. From kitchen gadgets to hairdressers, and everything in between, it’s all open to reviews, and the same goes for your dental...
That luxury touch

That luxury touch

We often hear the phrase ‘people by from people’, and it’s something that is very relevant when it comes to marketing a dental practice. Often, patients are nervous about visiting the dentist, either due to previous trauma or general anxiety. It’s something they fit...
Happy weekday quotes

Happy weekday quotes

It’s Monday, don’t forget to shine! Happy Friday! Wednesday Wisdom… Super Saturday! I could go on and on, but you get the picture! Our social media feeds are often awash with happy weekday quotes but the question is, are they still relevant? As a content creator, I’m...

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